
Capitalize on the digital era during the voting process

This is a call for all people to start collecting suspicious items and actions from now until a couple days after the election. In every election things get dirty on both sides and tactics are used that in many cases are downright illegal if not just unethical. When you go to the polling stations bring a camera with you, video camera's if possible. Stick around for a while, especially in high profile districts. I am not a conspiracy theorist nor am I claiming that this election is going to endure the most horrendous attempts at theft possible. Rather I am stating that for the first time in history, we as a people of the public, have the ability to capture and distribute material as evidence of these attempts to confuse, deceive, threaten, derail, and even deny voters. Simple things can now be done in a high tech fashion. If you have an IP phone try and see if you can find a way to utilize an audio recording software to record phone calls in case you get a "robo call," those calls that have automated voices and are related to political topics usually in regard to a specific candidate. Whether it is for the presidential election or just your local mayoral race we now live in a day where again we must fight for the right to vote and for our vote to be counted. No we are not facing an epidemic of voter fraud and voter denial but we are facing some and some is too much. It doesn't matter what side does it, either side is wrong if they do and the public has a right to know.
By capturing these moments we can begin to hold those responsible for these actions accountable and force them to face the due consequences that for so long organizations and individuals have so long been able to avoid. If you capture anything on film, video or audio or receive anything on paper in the mail or as a pamphlet or door hanger, please place it on the internet. If you do not want to do this yourself please send me a message or leave a comment.
Remember not only would you be capturing footage with the intent to look for suspicious activity but in the end you are possibly capturing VERY historical footage of maybe the election of the first African American President or one of the biggest presidential comebacks in history. So even for the sake of history bringing a way to document what happens at your local voting center is a great idea.
Remember that before you, millions of men and women have died for this right alone. Your right to place your vote for who you think deserves and is qualified to be the president of the United States of America. It is this right that makes this country so great and although our system may be flawed, it may not be perfect but it is our right to vote for people who we think will help make this country better and possibly help fix this process down the road. Don't let our heroes die or have died in vain. Make our millitary proud and our fore fathers and our long passed relatives who brought us here or our Mothers and Fathers who raised us here for this right. To make a statement, have a say and place a stake in what we believe in. Vote on November 4th at the VERY latest and vote even earlier if you can and help others vote on the 4th.